How to use Identity in a .NET Web Application - Part 1

In a previous post, I described how does a user is represented inside a DotNet application using Thread.CurentPrinciple property. In this post and next, I will go through the default visual studio 2013 MVC template to see how the identity is set for an MVC application.

Let’s say in the default template you put authorize attribute in the About action in Home controller like follows.

public ActionResult About()
    ViewBag.Message = "Your application description page.";
    return View();

If you now try to navigate to /Home/About you will receive is a 302 redirect to /Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2FHome%2FAbout

Let’s see what is happening inside the OWIN pipeline.

To get details within OWIN pipeline we can inject some additional logging components as follows. Here we have injected two middleware components before and after cookie authentication middleware.

app.Use(async (Context, next) =>
    Debug.WriteLine("1 ==>request, before cookie auth");
    Debug.WriteLine("1 ==>context.response="+ Context.Response.StatusCode);
    await next.Invoke();
    Debug.WriteLine("4 <==response, after cookie auth");
    Debug.WriteLine("4 ==>context.response=" + Context.Response.StatusCode);

app.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions
    AuthenticationType = DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ApplicationCookie,
    LoginPath = new PathString("/Account/Login"),

app.Use(async (Context, next) =>
    Debug.WriteLine("2 ==>context.response=" + Context.Response.StatusCode);
    Debug.WriteLine("2 ==>request, before controller action");
    await next.Invoke();
    Debug.WriteLine("3 <==response, after controller action");
    Debug.WriteLine("3 ==>context.response=" + Context.Response.StatusCode);

If you now issue a request to /Home/About page you get following debug output.

1 ==>request, before cookie auth
1 ==>context.response=200
2 ==>context.response=200
2 ==>request, before controller action
3 <==response, after controller action
3 <==context.response=401
4 <==response, after cookie auth
4 <==context.response=302

See how response changed from 200 to 401 after the controller action. The Authorize attribute has detected that Thread.CurentPrinciple doesn’t contain a valid identity and has issued a 401 Unauthorized response.

This 401 response then go through the cookie authentication middleware and it then changes the 401 Unauthorized into 302 Redirect. The cookie authentication middleware knows where user should be redirected to get authenticated by using the LoginPath property. It also knows the URL user originally requested. So it can easily construct the redirect URL to the login page as follows


Let’s see how login process takes place in the next post.


Brock Allen has this great article about the cookie authentication middleware.
